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What's the matter with professors?

So yesterday in the Collegian, one of my English professors appeared as a guest columnist on the Opinion page. His article criticized my first opinion column from four weeks ago concerning the minimum wage. I found his article interesting, yet very frustrating.

Professor Hedrick criticized me of not being aware of students' needs. He said that he wished I could have spoken with a student who needed extra money, who would benefit from the minimum wage being raised. Well, Professor, I am not an idiot, nor am I rich. I need money, too! Everyone would instantly benefit from the raising of the minimum wage, but that is not what my article was about.

Instant gratification: it's a great thing, right? No! My article voiced concerns with the effects of the raising of the federal wage, what it would do to small businesses, and how laborers should be paid for what they are worth. Professor Hedrick specifically criticized my Green Day line, saying that it is a fiction, just as the Welfare Queen of the Reagan era was a fiction.

I am flattered beyond words that this man compared me to Reagan!

Anyway, I just want everyone to see another view of this subject, but understand that of course, as always, I am right.


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