Stupid Liberals
Here is my third column for the Collegian. Instead of taking one jab at Green Day, I decide to devote a few more sentences to them. Enjoy!
The one and only website for my political thought and my radio show, The Big Time Radio Show.
Here is my third column for the Collegian. Instead of taking one jab at Green Day, I decide to devote a few more sentences to them. Enjoy!
I love Christopher Hitchens. I don't love Bill Maher. This video clip is hilarious. Hitchens basically states that people who laugh at jokes concerning G.W. Bush's intelligence are themselves stupid. They find that they can feel smarter than the President of the United States of America by laughing at these jokes.
This is simply ridiculous. It makes me so mad that someone could write garbage like this. Oh, and check out the typo on the headline. Way to go, Collegian!
So yesterday in the Collegian, one of my English professors appeared as a guest columnist on the Opinion page. His article criticized my first opinion column from four weeks ago concerning the minimum wage. I found his article interesting, yet very frustrating.
Celebrating diversity has truly gotten out of control. It seems like all I ever discuss in my education classes is teaching diversity. It seems like every single week is diversity week or cultural harmony week. I don't understand it at all.
If you find yourself wondering what you should do with yourself at midnight on an early Wednesday morning, make your way to the Wildcat 91.9 website. 91.9 is the student radio station in Manhattan, Kansas. Just click on the Listen Live link. You can tune your computer into The Big Time Radio Show with none other but myself hosting it. From 12 am - 1 am you will find yourself listening to music from the likes of Son Volt, Wilco, Muse, John Mayer, North Mississippi All Stars, Mike McClure, and anyone else I feel like playing. Then, from 1 am - 2 am, you will be knocked back as you enter the Pit, the hardest 60 minutes in Manhattan, Kansas. Enjoy.
Ah, my second column in the Collegian. This one covers Miss Crazy herself, Cindy Sheehan. Yikes. Simple as that.
Here is my first column in the Kansas State Collegian. I discuss the idea of increasing the minimum wage. It stirred up some ruckus across campus. Misson accomplished.
Brad Pitt is disgusting. I will be honest, I like him as an actor. Fight Club and Se7en are two of my favorite movies, and he does a great job portraying the characters. But recently I have lost a lot of respect for him, well, what respect I had left for him.