The one and only website for my political thought and my radio show, The Big Time Radio Show.


Stupid Liberals

Here is my third column for the Collegian. Instead of taking one jab at Green Day, I decide to devote a few more sentences to them. Enjoy!



I love Christopher Hitchens. I don't love Bill Maher. This video clip is hilarious. Hitchens basically states that people who laugh at jokes concerning G.W. Bush's intelligence are themselves stupid. They find that they can feel smarter than the President of the United States of America by laughing at these jokes.

The audience boos him.

Christopher flips them off and procedes to say a swear word.

Absolutely incredible. Stick it to Bill, Hitchens!


This is simply ridiculous. It makes me so mad that someone could write garbage like this. Oh, and check out the typo on the headline. Way to go, Collegian!


What's the matter with professors?

So yesterday in the Collegian, one of my English professors appeared as a guest columnist on the Opinion page. His article criticized my first opinion column from four weeks ago concerning the minimum wage. I found his article interesting, yet very frustrating.

Professor Hedrick criticized me of not being aware of students' needs. He said that he wished I could have spoken with a student who needed extra money, who would benefit from the minimum wage being raised. Well, Professor, I am not an idiot, nor am I rich. I need money, too! Everyone would instantly benefit from the raising of the minimum wage, but that is not what my article was about.

Instant gratification: it's a great thing, right? No! My article voiced concerns with the effects of the raising of the federal wage, what it would do to small businesses, and how laborers should be paid for what they are worth. Professor Hedrick specifically criticized my Green Day line, saying that it is a fiction, just as the Welfare Queen of the Reagan era was a fiction.

I am flattered beyond words that this man compared me to Reagan!

Anyway, I just want everyone to see another view of this subject, but understand that of course, as always, I am right.


Celebrating Individuality

Celebrating diversity has truly gotten out of control. It seems like all I ever discuss in my education classes is teaching diversity. It seems like every single week is diversity week or cultural harmony week. I don't understand it at all.

Those who advocate the celebration of diversity, in some ways, seem to be doing the exact opposite that they set out to do in the first place. While they preach diversity and how important it is, it seems like most diversophiles are lumping minorities into stereotyped groups.

(The word diversophile was coined by Grant Reichert in a column on the Opinion page last year. I wish I had a link to it, but sadly the Collegian's archives don't date back that far. Anyway, he used this term to describe those individuals who obsess themselves with diversity to the point that it becomes a tad ridiculous.)

Diversophiles concern their actions so much with diversity that when they push for diversity in groups and organizations, they could actually care less about that individual's own opinion, rather, they want his opinion because he happens to be black. Here is where the stereotype comes into play. Diversophiles would have you believe that all minorities have the same opinion, and that is why it doesn't matter who is in your group, but just what race they are.

These people push individuality so much, but are actually pushing stereotypes. Individuality is so important to society; we need not be lumped into groups based on our outer apperance, we need to be heard for our own ideas, for our own beliefs.

But this, my friends, is only my opinion.

the Big Time Radio Show

If you find yourself wondering what you should do with yourself at midnight on an early Wednesday morning, make your way to the Wildcat 91.9 website. 91.9 is the student radio station in Manhattan, Kansas. Just click on the Listen Live link. You can tune your computer into The Big Time Radio Show with none other but myself hosting it. From 12 am - 1 am you will find yourself listening to music from the likes of Son Volt, Wilco, Muse, John Mayer, North Mississippi All Stars, Mike McClure, and anyone else I feel like playing. Then, from 1 am - 2 am, you will be knocked back as you enter the Pit, the hardest 60 minutes in Manhattan, Kansas. Enjoy.

The Big Time Radio Show. Music you may not hear during the day. Music you won't hear anywhere else.

Little Miss Crazy

Ah, my second column in the Collegian. This one covers Miss Crazy herself, Cindy Sheehan. Yikes. Simple as that.

Minimum Wage Crisis

Here is my first column in the Kansas State Collegian. I discuss the idea of increasing the minimum wage. It stirred up some ruckus across campus. Misson accomplished.

Everyone (who should be able to) can already marry legally...

Brad Pitt is disgusting. I will be honest, I like him as an actor. Fight Club and Se7en are two of my favorite movies, and he does a great job portraying the characters. But recently I have lost a lot of respect for him, well, what respect I had left for him.

As I'm sure most of you already know, Brad Pitt has made a public announcement that he will not marry until everyone who wants to marry can do so legally.


Basically, I have no idea what to think about this situation. The first time I heard about this, my jaw just dropped and I started laughing. This has to be some kind of joke! Nobody in their right mind says things like this. Not even hippies. I would hardly say Pitt is a hippie, but I'm looking for some explanation.

How does the homosexual community feel about this bold move? I can't answer that, but I sure can make assumptions. Prepare for assumptions: Gays want to be treated just like everyone else. Does Pitt's statement really make the gay community feel normal, or do they feel even more segregated then before?

Not that gays are very intellectual, but I would hope that they would be a tad upset with Pitt's public announcement. They are receiving a lot of attention for this move, attention that is quite unnecessary. It's just like feminists who do not want to be singled out, yet they wear shirts that say "This is what a Feminist looks like." Now Pitt has put so much unneeded attention on the already heavy subject of legalizing gay marriage.

But, I'm sure many conservative Congressmen will hear about this and completely change their views, beliefs and morals. I mean, the fate of our country is riding on legalizing gay marriage; if Pitt won't marry until everyone can, what are we to do?!

Uh, we could remain living the way we are already living, and to be honest, it's been pretty good. This issue will always be a big one, until gay marriage is legalized or until gays all just "disappear" off of the face of the Earth. Personally, the latter seems more promising.

But this, my friends, is only my opinion.