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Ms. Magazine

So Ms. Magazine is stirring up some least it is ruffling my feathers. In their fall issue, they have printed the names of roughly 1500 women who have had abortions in an article entitled "We had abortions." Actually, over 5000 women have signed this "petition," but Ms. Magazine only had room for a certain amount.

PETITION?! This is ludicrous! What is a petition exactly? Well, to me it is a document one signs in hope that a specific course of action will be taken. The actual definition is to seek, to ask, to beg. Ms. Magazine defined nothing with their petition, only that you can sign it if and only if you've had an abortion.

Ugh. I am not going to touch this issue, don't worry, I just wanted to point out how stupid some people are. Actually, over 5000 people.


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